Church History
1st Decade (1948 -1957)
In 1947, Rev. Harold Johnson, a young minister from New York City, was assigned as the assistant to Rev. Stephen Gill Spottswood, the past of John Wesley A.M.E. Zion Church, 14th and Corcoran Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. During Rev. Johnson’s tenure at John Wesley, he was housed in the Kingman Park area in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robinson as a member of their family and referred to as their son. Through this relationship, Rev. Johnson became familiar with the Kingman Park area and was amazed at not finding an African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in such a large residential area.
At the next Philadelphia and Baltimore Annual Conference in May of 1948, Rev. Johnson petitioned Bishop Cameron Chesterfield Alleyne for permission to organize and A.M.E. Zion mission within the Kingman Park Area. This request was granted and Rev. Johnson immediately began to conduct meetings at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.
After Rev. Johnson married, his wife began to insist on finding a place of worship for his followers. Mrs. Johnson was a customer of the Virginia Harrison Beauty Salon, 2011Benning Road N.E., and made her concerns known to Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Johnson’s persistence prompted Mrs. Harrison to offer the use of her “Beauty Salon” for their worship services. The offer was readily accepted and the first service was conducted in 1948.
Rev Johnson was well pleased with the first worship service and the following adults were in attendance:
- Mr. Reginald Washington (deceased)
- Mrs. Bertha Washington (deceased)
- Mr. James Washington (deceased)
- Mrs. Sylvia Washington (deceased)
- Mrs. Lena Harris (deceased)
- Mr. Alfred Little (deceased)
- Mrs. Naome Johnson
- Mrs. Virginia Harrison
- Mrs. Virginia Harrison
- Miss Doris Harrison
At this service, there were also 33 children who made up the Sunday school class.
The membership began to outgrow the “Beauty Salon” and efforts were made to locate a larger place to accommodate the growing membership. Eventually, the congregation was informed by Mr. Reginald Washington, Chairman of the Trustees, that there was a house for sale and Rev. Johnson notified Bishop Alleyne who, after touring the Kingman Park area, gave approval for the Home Mission Board of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Conference to purchase the house at 714 20th St., N.E., in the spring of 1949.
After acquiring the property, the church was organized and the following persons became charter members and officers:
- Mr. Reginald Washington, Chairman of the Board of Trustees (deceased)
- Mrs. Virginia Harrison, Sunday School teacher
- Mrs. Lena Harris, President of Stewardess Board (deceased)
- Mr. Alfred Little, Associate Trustee (deceased)
- Mrs. Lula Cooper, Member
- Mr. Andrew Robinson, Steward
- Mr. James Washington, Steward (deceased)
- Miss Doris Harrison, Member
- Miss Norma Harrison, Member
- Miss Jona Campbell, Member (deceased)
- Miss Sandra Gray, Member
- Miss Irma Gray, Member
- Mrs. Earlhard, Member (deceased)
- Mrs. Hattie Dean, Member (deceased)
- Mrs. Bertha Washington, Sunday School teacher (deceased)
- Mrs. Sylvia Washington, Pianist (deceased)
After the officers were elected and installed, it was agreed that the church should be named. The church was named Kingman Park Chapel by unanimous vote. At the next Philadelphia Baltimore Annual Conference, Rev. Johnson was assigned elsewhere and Rev. Warren R. Hicks was sent to replace him.
Under Rev. Hick’s pastorate the membership continued to grow and on February 6, 1954 after hard work and faithful service, the mortgage was burned.
In 1956, under the leadership of Rev. Hicks the congregation of the Kingman Park Chapel moved to 255 Anacostia Avenue, NE and was granted permission in 1957 at the following Philadelphia and Baltimore Annual Conference to change the name to Varick Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church in memory of James Varick, the first A.M.E. Zion Bishop.
2nd Decade (1958 – 1967)
Rev. Warren R. Hicks pastored Varick until 1963 at which time he left the A.M.E. Zion denomination and became known as Bishop Hicks of an independent church.
The following pastors succeeded Rev. Hicks:
- Howard Diggs, (deceased) pastored Varick from 1963-1965. He and his wife, Edith, (deceased) were very dedicated members of this community church, which continued to grow. Many activities, especially the outdoor Smorgasbord, were enjoyed by the River Terrace Community and the Varick Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church family.
- Sheffield O. Gill and his wife, Fabio served Varick from 1965 – 1967.
3rd Decade (1967 – 1977)
In May 1967, Rev. John H. Arrington was assigned to Varick Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church by Bishop Charles Herbert Foggie. Under the leadership of Rev. Arrington, Varick grew spiritually and financially. The little church was bulging at the seams. Many activities were initiated for the growing Sunday School population. We fellowshipped with others all year and took trips to the beaches, Lancaster “Dutch Country” Pennsylvania; Dinner Theaters and the visits to many churches.
Little Varick was dedicated in November, 1972:
Bishop Charles Herbert Foggie
Presiding Elder Henry Sink
Pastor John H. Arrington
Chairman of Trustees Robert L. Harris
(As seen on the cornerstone)
4th Decade (1978 – 1988)
Rev. John Arrington continued to pastor the flock at 255 Anacostia Avenue, N.E. and Varick continued to prosper and at the direction of the Trustee Board, plans were initiated to erect a new edifice for this growing congregation.
Many dedicated servants continued to work for the Lord at this station by the river. Children, young adults and adults all rallied to the cause and were involved in the 34th Anniversary held in 1982. The souvenir journal for the celebration served as a guide for this great jubilee celebration. There was a great groundbreaking ceremony for the new Varick. Worship services were held at the River Terrace School until the present structure was rebuilt on the same site as little Varick in 1984 under the leadership of:
Bishop Charles Herbert Foggie (deceased)
Presiding Elder Frederick W. Barnes
Pastor John H. Arrington (deceased)
Chairman of Trustees, Mr. Toba Watts, Sr. (deceased)
Chairman of Stewards, Mr. Elbert Mullen (deceased)
Chairman of Church Extension, Mrs. Theresa L. Rivers (deceased)
(As seen on the cornerstone)
How happy and proud were the members who marched back to Varick in February, 1985.
Varick Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church was no longer “little Varick.” Rev. John Arrington, after serving as pastor for 19 years, retired and relocated to Jacksonville, Florida in May, 1986.
Bishop Charles Herbert Foggie assigned a young minister, Rev. Dr. Lewis M. Anthony, to lead the flock at Varick in May, 1986 on the final day of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Annual Conference at Scott A.M.E. Zion Church in Wilmington, Delaware.
Rev. Anthony, a bright and articulate teacher and preacher of the word, brought many new ideas and ministries to Varick:
- Nehemiah Group – abusers of alcohol/drugs
- Dorcas & Barnabas Group- (Family Members of Abusers)
- Deuteronomy Group – (Children’s Bible Study)
- Women’s Fellowship
- Men’s Fellowship
- Choirs for all ages
- Vacation Bible School
- Boy Scouts
- Girl Scouts
- Buds of Promise
- Bible Study
- Psalm 71 – (Senior Bible Class)
5th Decade (1988 – 1998)
Rev. Dr. Lewis M. Anthony continued to serve Varick Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church as it grew spiritually and financially. We had grown so large that chairs had to be placed in the aisles to accommodate the ever-growing congregation. The entire D.C. Community was influenced by the ministry of this dynamic preacher The congregation accompanied him on visits as he was called to preach at churches in and outside the city. Ministries continued to be birthed to help God’s children.
In May 1992, Pastor Anthony was assigned by Bishop J. Clinton Hoggard to serve pastor of Metropolitan Wesley A.M.E. Zion church. Varick did not get a pastor until June, in the person of Rev. Dr. Gary W. Burns, formerly of the Western New York Conference. Dr Bums was a very dedicated preacher and teacher of the Word. Many ministries that were in place when he arrived, were enhanced and encouraged. Sick and shut-in members were elated by his monthly visits and the videos of the service that were left after Pastor Bums would visit.
Dr. Burns dedicated himself to assisting parishioners whenever he could. Pastor and Mrs. Burns were actively involved with programs at Varick, especially with the children. Mrs. Burns enhanced the Acolytes service, which began under Pastor Anthony.
In November 1996, Dr. Gary W. Burns was assigned to pastor Lomax A.M.E. Zion Church by Bishop Milton Alexander Williams. Varick received Pastor M. Luther Hill as our shepherd. He and his wife, Diana and their children, Megan and Jennifer became actively involved with the life of the church.
The Sunday School increased with children, teens and adults. The Children’s and Youth Choir were a special success whenever they worship. This youthful pastor inspired Young Adults to participate more in Bible Study and worship services.
6th Decade (1998 – 2008)
In 2000, Pastor Hill and the Varick Church family celebrated the burning of the mortgage! It was a time of great triumph and excitement.
In 2001, Bishop Milton A. Williams, Sr. assigned Pastor Hill to pastor St. James AME Zion Church in Salisbury, MD. Varick welcomed Rev. Dr. Heath Cheek from the Virginia Conference as our pastor. His gift for the theatre arts brought a unique approach to the Word and often brought the scripture to life through dramatic interpretation. He and his wife, Rev. Sharon Cheek, promoted a pride in our rich African heritage and a genuine love for God. Together, they ignited a passion for prayer and intercession which gave way to God moving on our behalf.
7th Decade (2008 – Present)
In 2009, Pastor Cheek was assigned by Bishop Warren Matthew Brown to Metropolitan Wesley AME Zion Church in Washington, DC. Varick welcomed Rev. Dr. Evalina Huggins. Under the leadership of Pastor Huggins, Varick continued to thrive. The Word of God was studied, preached and taught. It was the standard that we strived to uplift and to fulfill. In doing so, excellence was our motto and was encouraged by us giving our best in service, worship and ministry.
In 2017, Bishop W. Darin Moore appointed Dr. Huggins as Presiding Elder of the Baltimore District and Varick welcomed Rev. André Greene from the Eastern North Carolina Episcopal District as the pastor. Rev. Greene, his wife LaShon and daughter Andriana have been blessed additions to our church family and we look forward to the great things God has in store for Varick during his tenure.
Through the years, Varick has been tremendously blessed. The church has grown immensely and the people are truly grateful for all that God has done. We’ve been kept by His grace because we were built on faith.